Complete SAP - ABAP Training
At S-Tek IT Education, we offer a comprehensive SAP ABAP course designed to cater to learners at different levels of expertise. Our modules are structured to provide a progressive learning experience, ensuring that you develop a strong foundation and advance toward mastering SAP ABAP programming. Here is a breakdown of our course modules, organized by levels:
Modules Covered in SAP ABAP

Level 1: Fundamentals of SAP ABAP
- Introduction to SAP and SAP ABAP
- ABAP Development Tools and Environment
- ABAP Workbench Basics
- ABAP Data Types and Operators
- ABAP Control Structures
- ABAP Data Dictionary
- ABAP Debugging Techniques
- Classical Reporting
Level 2: Advanced ABAP Concepts
- ABAP Modularization Techniques
- ABAP Object-Oriented Programming
- Enhancements and Modifications
- ABAP Performance Optimization
- SAP User Interfaces (SAP GUI)
Level 3: Database Integration and Interfaces
- ABAP Database Access and SQL
- ABAP ALV Reports
- ABAP BAPI (Business Application Programming Interface)
- ABAP IDoc (Intermediate Document)
- ABAP RFC (Remote Function Call)
- ABAP Web Services and SOAP
- ABAP Integration with External Systems
- ABAP HANA Introduction
- Native HANA Development
- Stored Procedure
- ADBC (ABAP Database Connectivity)
- AMDP (ABAP Managed Database Procedures)
- IDA (Integrated Data Access)
- CDS (Core Data Services)
- HANA Modeling
24/7 Live Server Access
While attending this training you will get an personal access to SAP server for your project work. Our students have benefitted extremely and have been placed in good companies.
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Mon-Sat 9:00 - 7:00